Vegan Roasted Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry Recipe

Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry is our favourite Indian vegan stew to serve for dinner on Meatless Mondays.

Chunks of roasted butternut squash are tossed together with protein-packed chickpeas and simmered in a creamy coconut milk sauce flavoured with fragrant spices.

We love serving this easy one-pot Chickpea and Butternut Squash Curry with steamed basmati rice or Indian flatbreads like naan, paratha or chapati.

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Why Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry Is Our Favourite Vegan Stew

Looking for a quick & easy vegan cury recipe that is affordable, healthy and flavour packed? You’ve come to the right place!

Our Indian-inspired curry features exotic flavours, a comforting creamy coconut sauce and nutritious fruits and vegetables like squash, chickpeas, tomatoes, onion and pineapple.

While this versatile curry already bursts with flavour, we share suggestions on other ingredients you can add or substitute based on your personal preferences.

We know you’ll love cooking this easy dish as it requires just one pot so clean up is a breeze. In just over an hour you’ll have an aromatic curry bubbling on the stove ready to serve to your family or company you’ve invited over for dinner.

The well-balanced dinner features complex carbohydrates from the squash, protein and iron from the chickpeas and plenty of antioxidants and vitamins from fresh herbs and spices.

Guests always rave for this recipe and comment that they love how well-balanced the flavours are. The heat level is low, sweetness is sublime thanks to the addition of tropical pineapple, acidity is found in the tomatoes and coconut milk offers a creamy mouthfeel.

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Homemade Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry recipe ingredients.
Homemade Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry recipe ingredients.

Travel to India by Cooking Squash & Chickpea Curry at Home

I love traveling through Asia.

My first visit to Asia had me living in South Korea for a year as a teacher and it’s where I was first introduced to fermented vegetables like kimchi.

After my contract ended in Seoul I travelled throughout Asia for 6 months, visiting the PhilippinesIndonesiaMalaysiaSingaporeCambodiaLaosMyanmarThailandVietnamThe Maldives and India.

I spent over a month traveling through India. I started in the capital, eating my way through the bustling markets and fine dining restaurants in Delhi. I then embarked on a magical weekend getaway to the awe-inspiring Taj Mahal in Agra.

For the second half of my Indian adventure I explored the southern state of Kerala. The south is famous for its seafood, coconut, tropical fruits, and rice based side dishes like crispy dosa. The colonial capital of Cochin was formerly run by the Portuguese. It’s also one of the only places in India you can find beef on a menu.

After enjoying a jaunt to the Maldives my India trip came to a close in the Bollywood capital, bustling and cosmopolitan Mumbai. The city is famous for its specialty street foods and fine dining restaurants at opulent luxury hotels. The Taj Mahal Palace in particular serves one of the world’s most famous Afternoon Teas.

This Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry is not an authentic Indian dish, you won’t likely find it on any menus during your travels.

After adventuring with my tastebuds throughout India and taking a few cooking classes I wrote a recipe that is vegan and vegetarian friendly that showcases the bright and vibrant flavours you’ll taste while eating you way from Delhi to Mumbai, and beyond!

This vegan curry recipe features roasted butternut squash and protein-packed chickpeas.
This vegan curry recipe features roasted butternut squash and protein-packed chickpeas.

Health Benefits

Our Squash and Chickpea Curry recipe is packed full of wholesome ingredients!

All varieties of pumpkin (or squash) are nutritious, but butternut squash is a superfood because it contains high levels of carotenoids, which help combat cancer and support skin health.

Onions are a humble vegetable packed with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Regular consumption of onions can help boost digestive health and reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

It is only recently that scientists have begun to identify the components responsible for garlic’s myriad health benefits. Rich in phytochemicals and potassium, garlic helps boost your immune system, fight cancer and protect your heart.

Ginger contains at least 14 phytochemicals, many of which have impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has a good source of copper, which supports your bones, blood and nervous system. 

Rich in a group of phytochemicals called carotenoids, tomatoes may help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, and provide protection against cancer. Tomatoes are also a good source of immune-boosting vitamin C.

Pineapple features vitamins and minerals that are known to help shorten viral and bacterial infections and strengthen bones. There’s also evidence that the tropical fruit may help prevent cancer and help fertility by improving the quality of sperm.

Coconut is rich in fibre and may also offer a number of benefits including improved heart healthy and digestion. It is high in calories and sautéed fat so be sure to eat in moderation. 

Chickpeas are rich in cancer-fighting vitamin C, energy-boosting B vitamins, and gut-healthy fibre.

A good source of bone-strengthening vitamin K, cilantro is also rich in antioxidants that help protect the eyes from damage by free radicals. 

Use a ladle to scoop this thick curry into bowls.
Use a ladle to scoop this thick curry into bowls.

Squash and Chickpea Curry Ingredients

Most of the ingredients in this vegan recipe are common staples you’ll likely have in your pantry and fridge. It’s an affordable and comforting dish to serve on meat-free Mondays!

  • Vegetable Oil: we suggest using a flavourless vegetable oil with a high smoke point like canola.
  • Squash: squash is a sweet and fleshy vegetable that makes for a great meat substitute. Roasting squash makes it taste sweeter and also makes the exterior crunchy, adding a desirable texture to the curry.
  • Onion: we like to use simple yellow onions but you can substitute for shallots or sweet Vidalia if you prefer.
  • Garlic: garlic is a classic ingredients used in Indian cooking, infusing this curry with lovely aromatics.
  • Ginger: is also a cornerstone in Indian cooking and adds a slight bit of heat to the curry sauce.
  • Coriander Seeds: this popular Indian spice adds floral and citrusy notes.
  • Fenugreek: imparts a sweet, slightly nutty, maple syrup-like flavour reminiscent of burnt sugar.
  • Curry Powder: you can use a standard Indian curry powder or your favourite regional masala spice blend. The standard spice blend sold in North American grocery stores usually consists of turmeric, cumin, ginger, and cinnamon.
  • Cherry Tomatoes: add acidity and sweetness to the curry sauce.
  • Pineapple: adds acidity and floral tropical notes to the sauce.
  • Coconut Milk: gives the dish its creamy mouthfeel and additional tropical coconut flavour.
  • Chickpeas: are a protein-packed legume that are delightfully tender when simmered in curry sauce.
  • Cilantro: garnish the curry with India’s favourite fresh herb, which adds a splash of green colour to the orange-hued dish.
Garnish Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry with a sprig of cilantro.
Garnish Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry with a sprig of cilantro.

Step By Step Recipe Directions

Follow the step-by-step recipe instructions below to master this easy Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry!

  • Preheat oven to 350 F.
  • Cut squash lengthwise and seed, then chop in 3/4 inch chunks. Place in a roasting pan, toss with 1 tbsp of canola oil and pinch of kosher salt and black pepper. Roast for an hour, until soft and caramelized.
  • Meanwhile, peel and roughly chop the onion, peel the garlic and ginger, and dry fry in a nonstick pan on medium-high heat with the crushed coriander and fenugreek seeds and curry powder, stirring until lightly charred.
  • Add tomatoes and pineapple and cook for 10 minutes to soften and char, stirring occasionally. Tip it into a blender, add the coconut milk and blitz until smooth.
  • Return to the pan, tip in the chickpeas, juice and all, and simmer gently until the sauce is thickened. Stir in the roasted squash, then season with salt and pepper.
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves.

How To Chop Butternut Squash

For a quick and easy meal purchase pre-chopped squash in the freezer aisle of your grocery store. If preparing the recipe from scratch using a whole butternut squash follow these simple instructions:

  • Using a sharp French knife cut off both ends of the squash and peel the skin using a vegetable peeler.
  • Stand the squash upright on a cutting board and cut in half down the middle from top to bottom.
  • Turn the squash halves onto the counter and using a spoon scrape the seeds and stringy interior and discard into your compost bag.
  • The last step is to cut the squash into uniform slices so they are approximately ½ inch cubes. Try to cut them roughly the same size to ensure they cook evenly.
Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry Photo Image.
Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry Photo Image.

Chickpea and Butternut Squash Curry Recipe Tips

This curry is quick and easy to make at home, ready to serve in about an hour. Here are some tips for first time vegan curry cooks!

  • Use a large pot or Dutch Oven to prepare this curry. Ensure the pot has a lid so you can simmer the curry and avoid splatter all over your stove.
  • We suggest using a flavourless vegetable oil with a high smoke point like canola. Coconut and peanut oil are also used in Indian kitchens and can add an additional layer of flavour.
  • We’ve used butternut squash in this recipe but you can substitute with other varieties like pumpkin or acorn squash.
  • We recommend roasting the squash as it brings out the sweetness in its flesh and the texture transforms into a crispy and crunchy exterior. If you’re looking to save on time, or prefer a more tender curry, feel free to add steamed or boiled squash into the curry sauce.
  • We like to use simple yellow onions in this recipe but you can substitute with shallots, red onions or sweet Vidalia onions if you prefer.
  • We’ve used minced garlic and fresh ginger in this recipe but if you cook a lot of Indian food you can always scoop a few teaspoons from the jar of minced garlic and ginger in your fridge.
  • If your family loves spicy food feel free to add a few chopped chilies into the pot right when you’re adding the garlic and ginger to the dish. Remove the seeds for a less alarming heat.
  • We’ve used a classic dried Indian Curry Powder in this recipe but you can substitute with a teaspoon of jarred curry paste like Pataks.
  • Cherry tomatoes are extra sweet but you can easily substitute with other varieties like plum tomatoes or beefsteak tomatoes.
  • You can use freshly chopped pineapple or canned pineapple slices or chunks.
  • We like to use thin coconut milk in this recipe as it has less calories but if you want to make a decadent Squash and Chickpea Curry feel free to substitute with thicker coconut cream.
  • We’ve used canned chickpeas in this recipe but you can prepare dried garbanzo beans by soaking them in water the night before. Chickpeas can also be substituted with other legumes or pulses like beans or lentils.
  • We realize not everyone loves the flavour of cilantro so if you’re looking for another garnish finely sliced scallions also work well.
  • Once you’ve mastered this recipe you can switch up the flavours by preparing a Thai-inspired curry. Swap out the Indian spices with lemongrass, kaffir lime leaf, Thai basil and your favourite Thai curry paste for another tasty spin on this delicious dish!
Serve Butternut Squash and Chickpea Curry with steamed rice or Indian flatbread like naan or paratha.
Serve Butternut Squash and Chickpea Curry with steamed rice or Indian flatbread like naan or paratha.

What To Serve With Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry

There’s nothing more comforting than spooning through a creamy bowl of Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry on a chilly Fall or Winter day.

This vegan and vegetarian main course is best served in shallow bowls with steamed basmati rice / spiced biryani or flatbreads like naan, paratha and chapati.

Feel free to also serve an assortment of pickles and chutneys at the table alongside Indian salads like Paneer Tikka Salad, Sprouted Mung Bean Salad or Indian Onion Salad.

If you’re looking to host a vegan dinner party serve Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry with some of our favourite meat-free recipes:

We love serving this comforting curry on cold days in the Fall and Winter when squash is in season.
We love serving this comforting curry on cold days in the Fall and Winter when squash is in season.

Storage & Reheating

While we’ve prepared this curry in a pot over the stove you can also tinker with the temperature and timing by cooking it in your oven, Instant Pot, crock pot or slow cooker.

If you have any Chickpea and Butternut Squash Curry leftovers we suggest storing them in a glass pyrex container in the fridge for 4-5 days. We don’t suggest storing in a plastic Tupperware-style container as the spices in the curry sauce can cause it to discolour.

To reheat the curry from the fridge simply reheat it in the microwave or add the leftovers back to a pot and simmer on medium low. You may want to add a splash of vegetable stock or coconut milk to thin out the sauce as moisture will evaporate while reheating.

We often like to double the recipe to save time on cooking last minute meals, which you can easily store in your freezer for 3-4 months.

If you’re planning on serving this dish from the freezer take it out the night before and place it in the fridge to slowly thaw. We usually remove it from the fridge at lunch so by dinner it is thawed and ready to quickly reheat in the microwave or in a pot over the stove.

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Now you're an expert on how to make easy Roasted Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry!
Now you’re an expert on how to make easy Roasted Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry!

How To Make Healthy Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry

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Butternut Squash and Chickpea Curry

How to make Roasted Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry. Our creamy vegan stew recipe features coconut milk and fragrant Indian spices.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 15 minutes
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: Butternut Squash Chickpea Curry
Servings: 6
Calories: 343kcal


  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • Large pot
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • oven
  • baking sheet
  • blender


  • 1 tbsp Canola Oil
  • 2.5 lb Butternut Squash cut into 3/4 inch chunks
  • 1 Spanish Cooking Onion chopped
  • 4 Garlic Cloves minced
  • 1.5 inch Fresh Ginger minced
  • 1 tsp Coriander Seeds crushed
  • 1 tsp Fenugreek crushed
  • 1 tsp Curry Powder
  • 10 oz Cherry Tomatoes sliced in half
  • 1/2 cup Pineapple cut into chunks
  • 14 oz Coconut Milk
  • 15 oz Canned Chickpeas
  • 2 tbsp Cilantro garnish
  • Kosher Salt + Black Pepper


  • Preheat oven to 350 F.
  • Cut squash lengthwise and seed, then chop in 3/4 inch chunks. Place in a roasting pan, toss with 1 tbsp of canola oil and pinch of kosher salt and black pepper. Roast for an hour, until soft and caramelized.
  • Meanwhile, peel and roughly chop the onion, peel the garlic and ginger, and dry fry in a nonstick pan on medium-high heat with the crushed coriander and fenugreek seeds and curry powder, stirring until lightly charred.
  • Add tomatoes and pineapple and cook for 10 minutes to soften and char, stirring occasionally. Tip it into a blender, add the coconut milk and blitz until smooth.
  • Return to the pan, tip in the chickpeas, juice and all, and simmer gently until the sauce is thickened. Stir in the roasted squash, then season with salt and pepper.
  • Garnish with cilantro leaves.


Calories: 343kcal | Carbohydrates: 42.1g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 19.2g | Saturated Fat: 13.8g | Sodium: 205mg | Potassium: 1240mg | Fiber: 10.2g | Sugar: 9.5g | Calcium: 154mg | Iron: 4mg

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